When my partner, who is an avid follower of Elon Musk told me that he was releasing a fragrance I genuinely thought it was a joke. It turns out, there really is a fragrance for sale on Elon Musk’s The Boring Company website, and it’s called Burnt Hair.

The website shows a graphic design of a perfume bottle, which looks like somethings from Aladdin’s Cave. The fact that it isn’t a real picture of a bottle makes me think this could be one of Elon’s experiments; how many people will pay $100 for a perfume that doesn’t exist. Well, I’m one of those suckers.
The tagline for the fragrance is, ‘The Essence of Repugnant Desire’ and includes an anonymous quote, “Just like leaning over a candle at the dinner table, but without all the hard work”. This all adds to my suspicion about whether this is really just a joke and yet still I click ‘add to cart’.
I’m quite familiar with the smell of Burnt Hair; being a millennial I would religiously straighten my hair with GHDs throughout my teens (it really was life changing!). Afterwards, my bedroom would always have a ‘Burnt Hair’ scent, but I can’t say it was a fragrance I was hoping to smell again, or pay $100 for either.
At checkout it says that the fragrance will be out in ‘Q1 2023’ which means January to March next year. Shipping to the UK was £32 which seemed very high but nevertheless, I went ahead and clicked buy.
Of course, if the perfume really does exist and I receive it in Q1 2023 I will of course be doing a video review on my YouTube Chanel. Watch this space…